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Pages & Features Free Advanced pckage Analyst Package Full Package
Argaam Reports
Economic Indicators
Detailed Version of Automated and Summary Reports
Bank Statistics
Cement Statistics
Advanced Companies Analysis
Funds - Analysis & Details
Financial Statement and Ratios (historical data)
Petrochemical Sector
Company – Production Capacity
Petrochemicals Prices
Performance of Affiliates
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Advanced Package Icon

Advanced package

Contains the following features:

  • Includes Argaam’s exclusive archive of reports and coverage on market, sector and company levels
  • Coverage of the news and information of current and future projects of listed firms, sorted by sector and other information
  • Analyst opinions and average estimates
  • Interactive charts of stocks and commodities prices and marine transport information alongside with intelligent technical analysis tools
  • Deep and detailed coverage of all firms listed in Saudi Arabia, enriched by advanced sort and analysis tools
  • Integrated database of all IPOs, secondary listings and rights offerings of listed firms
  • Complete archive of disclosures and news of listed firms
  • Complete coverage of financial statements along wide innovative search tools
  • Access to the latest financial reports issued by renowned research firms plus an alert tools
  • Detailed coverage of financial statements including income information, balance sheets, cash flows (annual, quarter & interim).
  • Recognition of Shariah-compliant stocks and percentages of compliance
  • Analytical tools to compare and contrast data and ratios across market sectors
  • Complete archive of studies and estimates issued by renowned research firms
  • Complete archive of technical analysis research of the market and listed stocks
Advanced Package Icon

Analyst Package

Contains advanced package plus:

  • Detailed historical coverage of supply and demand statistics of the cement sector in Saudi Arabia, encompassing data of production, sales, profit margins per ton, and clinker inventory development.
  • Complete and continuously updated historical database of the banking sector, encompassing statistics and indicators of deposits/loans, ATMs machines, POS, and SIBOR information.
  • Full access to all historical data on the market, sector, and company levels along with the possibility to download and export data files into Excel & PDF formats.
  • Possibility to add additional users at a discounted rate based on your firm’s requirements.
  • Unlimited use of the sorting, comparison, and analysis tools available in the Advanced Company Analysis section.
  • Complete access to a slew of financial ratios and indicators of listed companies.
  • Access to a comprehensive body of information on financial performance and sector-based analysis of listed firms.
  • Gain access to the Argaam Petrochemical Report published weekly.
  • Mutual Funds
  • Comprehensive coverage of over 250 mutual funds in Saudi Arabia.
  • Complete coverage of the performance of mutual funds supported by advanced analysis tools.
  • 24/7 news coverage of mutual funds along with a full-fledged historical database.
  • Full access to Argaam’s periodical reports on mutual funds.
  • Complete, continuously-updated database of reports issued by mutual funds (including prospectuses, financial statements, research, etc.).
  • A close track of the best- and worst-performing mutual funds on an annual basis.
Advanced Package Icon

Full Package

Contains the entire features:

The Advanced Package, Analysts Package as follows:

  • Deep and detailed coverage of all firms listed in the Saudi market.
  • Integrated database of all IPOs, secondary listings, and rights offerings of listed firms.
  • Complete coverage of financial statements, including income information, balance sheets, and cash flows.
  • Full access to all historical data on the market, sector, and company levels, along with user-friendly downloadable data files.
  • Possibility to add additional users at a discounted rate based on your firm’s requirements.
  • Full access to a slew of financial ratios and indicators of all listed companies.
  • Comprehensive coverage of over 250 mutual funds in Saudi Arabia.
  • Access to the Argaam Petrochemical Index, which tracks a host of petrochemical products.
  • Access to over 90 profiles of petrochemical firms operating in Saudi Arabia, sorted by several indicators, including type of materials, usages, etc.
  • Access to the prices of petrochemical products sorted by region, source, etc.
  • A perpetually-updated database of production capacities, production phases, analysts' opinions, and recommendations on all petrochemical firms listed in the Saudi market.